International Association to Save Tyre | Tyre Foundation
Virtual Museum

Virtual Museum of Canaanites, Phoenicians and Punic Civilizations

The objective of the virtual museum is to exhibit in one website authentic, replicated and virtual objects and sites related to the Canaanites, Phoenicians and Punic civilizations.

It would also include traveling exhibitions to be held in the institute, or any other relevant exposure for the subject.

Educational tours are available to help users better understand specific topics. Simulations and videos are also offered.

We believe that such a collection of digital reproductions, containing a balanced blend of related visual and textual information, contributes greatly to the understanding and dissemination of these civilizations wealth to the general public.

This online museum is available in four languages (French, English, Arabic and Spanish).

The Objects
These objects are spread over the world, either in museums, or part of individual collection. They need to be located, pictured, classified, annotated and showed through this website.

Description of each object will include:

  • The physical location (Louvre Museum, Berlin Museum, British Museum, individual collection, Etc.)
  • The Original description, followed by additional comments approved by the scientific committee.
  • Comments or additional details will be approved by the Scientific Committee before being added.
  • Documents that complement and enrich the information.
  • Any other comment coming from internet users will be debated accordingly.


A bibliography will be set up in thematic and appropriate dating. It will include studies, thesis, books and seminars regarding these civilizations.

Virtual Museum

The Culture
Alphabet, deities, glass blowing, Murex production, ceramic, glass, traditions, painting, sculptures, etc… will be exhibited with details on their origin, references, authors, shadowed zone or any questioned topic. All works are referenced with their original location, authors and appropriate dating.

The Sites

  • A geographical map of Canaanites, Phoenicians and Punic cities will be published. Each site will benefit from a detailed historical description, touristic attractions, and specific events.
  • Site could be a city, a harbor, a bridge, a monument, archeological site, or anything showing the adherence to the League.
  • The sites will be photographed and referenced. Videos will also be available.


All considerations of copyright will be considered. They will be studied case by case.